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How should I troubleshoot a clogged toilet?

1. Identifying a Clogged Toilet:

– If you notice the toilet bowl filling up with water instead of draining after flushing or if you experience slow drainage, it’s likely that the toilet is clogged.

2. Immediate Action for a Clogged Toilet

– If you suspect a clog, it’s essential to avoid flushing the toilet again to prevent an overflow. An overflow can cause water damage and inconvenience.
– You can try using a plunger to dislodge the clog. Position the plunger over the drain hole in the toilet bowl, creating a tight seal, and then push and pull with a firm, yet controlled motion to remove the obstruction.

3. Shutting Off the Water at the Toilet

– If plunging doesn’t work and the toilet is at risk of overflowing, it’s crucial to shut off the water supply to the toilet immediately.
– Locate the water shut-off valve, which is typically located behind or beside the toilet bowl near the floor. It is usually a silver or chrome-colored valve with a small handle or knob.
– Turn the handle/knob clockwise (to the right) until it is tight. This will shut off the water supply to the toilet.

4. Attempting to Fix the Clog

– After shutting off the water supply, you can continue trying to clear the clog using a plunger

5. Avoiding Clog-Inducing Materials

– To prevent future clogs, advise tenants to avoid flushing materials that can cause blockages, such as sanitary products, paper towels, baby wipes, and excessive toilet paper. Only flush human waste and a moderate amount of toilet paper.

6. Dealing with Leaking Valve or Wax Ring

– If you notice water leaking from the base of the toilet, it could be due to a faulty wax ring or a loose water supply valve.
– Follow item #3 to shut the water to toilet off.
– In this case, it’s essential to contact the building maintenance team to address the issue promptly. Inform the landlord or property management as soon as possible to initiate repairs.

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